
Thursday 5th Nov was the start of lockdown number 2. Nobody wants another one but we hope that this will get the R value back to a manageable level. Sussex has been amazingly lucky so far but the numbers are rising again and so… the second lockdown.

We will be altering how we charge for physiotherapy from July 1st 2020 There will be one fee of £60 so no consultation fee with followup fees. This will be the first fee change in over 2 years and will allow us to continue to provide the quality service you expect.

The main points are to maintain social distancing as we are best able and to always keep your hands as clean as possible.  We want you to be safe and feel safe when you are at the Centre so we will be doing our upmost to ensure this.

We provide professional treatments for: Physiotherapy – musculo/skeletal problems, women’s and men’s health, ante and post natal care, Clinical Pilates/classes, Chiropody, Podiatry, Acupuncture, sports and therapeutic massage, Alexander Technique, CBT Counselling, Indian head massage.

We are continuing our popular blog as Facebook latest Posts as it is much easier to share this way. Please see this below and clicking on “load more” will open up many more posts… Thanks for reading!

Counseling patients on healthy dietary patterns is challenging. So much information abounds that it can be hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. According to Isabel Maples, MEd, RDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, initial diet advice should focus on encouraging patients to add missing components—most commonly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy—rather than restriction.